Notice is hereby given that Huerfano County has opened a forty-five (45) day period effective October 19, 2023 to accept written comment from the public on the application of payments received by the County pursuant to Title III of the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self Determination of Act of 2000, as reauthorized (the “SRS Act”).
Comment Period: Written comments will be accepted immediately through December 5, 2023 and can be mailed or hand-delivered to:
Office of the Board of County Commissioners
Attention: Brittney Ciarlo, Emergency Manager
401 Main Street, Suite 201
Walsenburg, CO 81089
Comments may also be submitted using this form:
Comment Purpose: Huerfano County is eligible to receive approximately $18,405 in revenues for 2024 under Title III of the SRS Act for application to certain statutorily defined purposes specified in Title III. These purposes are generally categorized as:
- carry out activities under the Firewise Communities program;
- reimburse the participating county for search and rescue and other emergency services, including firefighting and law enforcement patrols;
- cover training costs and equipment purchases directly related to the emergency service;
- develop and carry out community wildfire protection plans; and
- provide or expand access to broadband telecommunications services;
Proposed Use: The County currently uses Title III funds to (1) educate and assist communities in Huerfano County carry out activities necessary to become recognized as a Firewise Community, renew such recognition, or conduct authorized Firewise Activities in communities that already have such recognition; and (2) as a reserve, until spent, available to reimburse the County for search and rescue or other emergency services occurring on qualifying Federal lands that meet the standards set by applicable laws and regulations should the need arise.
The County proposes to continue the above uses and add a third use, developing community wildfire protection plans that meet the standards set by applicable laws and regulations and carrying out activities under those plans.
Huerfano County intends to apply the Title III funds to these expenditures and it is this application on which public comment is invited.
Additional Information: Information regarding Title III funds is available from the US Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service online resources for the SRS Act.